A  troubled and terrified nurse trapped in the besieged city of Aleppo has killed herself to avoid being raped by Syrian Army, it has been reported.

A suicide note reportedly from the woman has been published in which she says she will soon kill herself “because I do not want several members of the Assad Regime to savour raping me” as they did to several others .

It comes after other reports of women killing themselves to avoid rape and sexual abuse by the so called government soldiers who have taken over the war zone devastated city.

General view of destruction in Aleppo’s old city (Photo: Getty)

Syrians leave a rebel area of Aleppo towards the government-held side (Photo: Getty)

One report said not less than 20 women had killed themselves in one morning.

Some of the things the unnamed woman said before killing herself can be read below (Translated in English)  :

“I am one of the woman in Aleppo who will soon be raped in just moments..there are no more weapons o men that can stand between us and the animals who are about to come called the ‘country’s army’.

“I am committing suicide because the Day of Resurrection has taken place in Aleppo and I don’t think Hell-Fire will be worse than this..”

“I am committing suicide because I do not want several members of the Assad Regime to come raping me while just yesterday they were afraid to say the word ‘Aleppo’.”

I will conclude by saying that your verdicts have become meaningless to me so save it for yourself and your family..

I am committing suicide..

And when you read this know that I have died pure despite everyone.